Friday, October 23, 2009


For today’s posting, I thought it best to give some insight as to the reason for this Manifesto. This is going to be a never-ending conversation about Real Education. Real Education is defined as “The experiences an individual has that increases their knowledge of necessary information required to live.” I have no intention of quoting, researching, or pontificating the individuals who claim to be in the field of education. Such individuals are self serving and should not be given the credibility as education researchers. The reason for this is their continuous reinvention of things that don’t need reinventing. We have done and can continue to do great things as a people, if we seek out self sufficiency and reflect upon the lessons of the past. It seems man is unable to do this without condemnation but now is the time to start. This blog is the start of reflection with guidance from the past, to evaluate the present, in the hope of changing the future into a stable, consistent and self sufficient environment for our Nation to grow.

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